Jehovah Jireh Bible
Institute of Higher Learning

Providing Quality Christian Education Since 1950

Jehovah Jireh Bible Institute of Higher Learning
Online Library Resource Center
About Our Center:
The Jehovah Jireh Bible Institute of Higher Learning/dba formerly (Great Commission Bible College & Theological Seminary) students, faculty, and board members decided to formulate a list and utilize online cyberspace library resource and reference centers in 2005. The school moved from continuing to build physical libraries at the school’s main campus and satellite campuses because of the reduction in paper, the rise of paper cost, the economic impact of adding rooms for more book volume space, and when books become outdated, obsolete and needs to be archived it would cause a maintenance financial hardship and waste as well. The advancement of the internet and technology allowed the Great Commission and JJBI to collect and build information about free online bookstores, book companies, online Christian or religious resource centers that house hundreds of thousands of books and study materials from present writers and authors, and past scholars. When students need to find added resources they can go online at any time and find the supplementary materials and books required for their coursework at any time. JJBIHL train and orientate students on how to utilize their public libraries, other public colleges, seminaries and universities library resource centers for their support in their studies and for ongoing academic support in the community where they live. Students are orientated on how they can use the other public postsecondary schools computers and media center resources for lifelong learning. Our school’s staff and academic team are constantly researching the web on a daily basis referring students and faculty to sites to assist them with the best professional and educational experience possible. Although most books and educational resources are online, JJBIHL plans to reestablish and build a small library resource center for students who attend class onsite for their learning. Below you will find some sites listed for our library resource center, although JJBI HL staff and students use many more.
{See list of some online resource centers below.}
Blue Letter Bible Library and Resource Center
Bible Search
Multiverse Retrieval
LexiConc Search
FAQ Search
Browse Dictionary Topics
Bible Reference
Encyclopedias / Dictionaries
Introductions to the Bible
Topical Indexes
Charts and Outlines
Maps / Images
Bible Commentaries
Text Commentaries
Audio & Video Commentaries
Theological Resources
Articles / Books
Women's Resources
Don Stewart
BLB Theological
Creeds, Catechisms, and Confessions
Digital Books
Mobile Apps for iPhone / iPad
BLB Offline CDs
Free Web Tools
Blue Letter Bible Library and Resource Center
Email Devotional Sign-Up
BLB Daily Promises
Day by Day by Grace
Morning and Evening
Daily Bible Reading Plan
Video Tutorials
Theological Questions
Website Support
iApp Support
Sponsorship Information
General Questions
Sowing Circle
Co-Laboring Ministries
About the BLB
Statement of Faith
Ministry FAQs

Westminster Bookstore and Resource Center
Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary
OT Commentaries
NT Commentaries
NT General
OT General
Commentary Series
Biblical Reference
Whole Bible
Interpretation (Hermeneutics)
Canon & Text Issues
Language Resources
Marriage & Family
Marriage Curriculum
Family Guidance Series
Parenting Curriculum
Family Worship Resources
Children's Resources
Books for Men
Books for Women
Intro. to Reformed Theology
Westminster Bookstore and Resource Center
Intro. to Reformed Theology
Christ (Christology)
Church (Ecclesiology)
General (Systematics)
God (Theology Proper)
Humanity (Anthropology)
Last Things (Eschatology)
Salvation (Soteriology)
Scripture & Revelation (Prolegomena)
Sin, Temptation, and Idolatry
Spirit (Pneumatology)
Humanity (Anthropology)
Last Things (Eschatology)
Salvation (Soteriology)
Scripture & Revelation (Prolegomena)
Sin, Temptation, and Idolatry
Spirit (Pneumatology)
Columbia Theological Seminary | P.O. Box 520 | Decatur, GA 30031 | ph: 404.378.8821
Search the CTS catalog
Search for journal articles in ATLA
Search for eResources at Ebsco (databases, journals, ebooks)
GALILEO Scholar (if off campus, Click here for password
45+ Free Online Resources for Seminary Students
Google Books offers over 6 million ebooks. The full-text is searchable. Most out-of-copyright books (pre-1924) can be read in their entirety on-line and some downloaded as PDF. "Snippets" from in-copyright books can be viewed, and sometimes several pages by permission of the publisher. offers "Get it" links to Google Books
Open Content Alliance, offers over 1 million free full-text books, scanned from university libraries.
Google Scholar searches mostly for articles, some articles are free; some must be purchased.
Search multiple eBook sites
University of Pennsylvania Online Books
ForEast is a meta-site of free Korean, Japanese, and Chinese digital resources.
Hebrew Books offers over 15,000 .pdf books in Hebrew.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books.
Project Gutenberg offers over 30,000 eBooks.
World eBook Fair aggregates1/2 million out of copyright books available for searching and downloading. (Charges $8.95 per year for access.)
Universal Digital Library offers 1.5 million books. It's scope is more global than Google Books, offering 900,000 books in Chinese, and tens of thousands of books in Arabic, Persian, and Indian languages. Also it aims to include out-of-print books which are still under copyright by getting permission for these "orphans;" over 900,000 of the books were published after 1920.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books.
Project Gutenberg offers over 30,000 eBooks.
World eBook Fair aggregates1/2 million out of copyright books available for searching and downloading. (Charges $8.95 per year for access.)
ForEast is a meta-site of free Korean, Japanese, and Chinese digital resources.
Hebrew Books offers over 15,000 .pdf books in Hebrew.
Online Texts Collections (Wabash Center)
Online Reference Works (Wabash Center)
The Purdue OWL
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Personal, Educational, and Training Use
The Purdue OWL is freely available for all educational, personal, or training purposes.
These OWL resources will help you learn how to use the American Psychological Association (APA) citation and format style. This section contain resources on in-text citation and the References page, as well as APA sample papers, slide presentations, and the APA classroom poster.
Terms and Conditions of Fair Use
This site is copyright ©1995-2021 by The Writing Lab & OWL at Purdue University and Purdue University. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. In addition, Purdue OWL pages may not be presented in frames of any kind. We are glad to make materials of all kinds available to users from all over the world. However, in order to protect our rights with regard to the materials we have created, we request that you abide by the following policies. Your use of the site and any materials contained therein will constitute your acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
Free Theological Journals Search is a custom Google search of theological journals which offer full-text for free on the web.
If you have a citation for an article searching by article title can sometimes lead to a free PDF copy, such as on an authors webpage. Searching by journal title using Google can sometimes help you discover links to publishers who provide free access to tables of contents, abstracts, or access for a fee.
List of free online eJournals from the American Theological Library Association.
Religious Electronic Journals (from Sarah Lipton)
Religious Electronic Journals (Wabash Center)
Find Articles offers free and pay-per-article searching.
Many free full-text articles, and some for a fee, from journals like Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Journal for the Study of the New Historical Jesus, and Journal of the American Academy of Religion.
Search for free articles from popular journals such as First Things.
Religion Online offers for free the full text of 5,700 chapters and articles, and 200 books. The writers are recognized theologians and scholars. The texts are organized by topic. The titles may be searched by keyword. Note: the content at this site may be different from the print versions.
Other Specialized Free Online Book and Article sites
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers has more than 226,000 pages of public domain newspapers from California, Florida, Kentucky, New York, Utah, Virginia and the District of Columbia published between 1900 and 1910. The text of the newspapers is fully
searchable, and search terms can be limited to a particular state, a specific
newspaper, and year or years and even months of publication.
California Digital Newspaper Collection includes the full text of the San Francisco Call, the Amador Ledger, the Imperial Valley Press, and the Los Angeles Herald from 1900-1910. More will be added from 1880-1910.
HistoryWorld offers over 400 popular articles.
Pitt Latin American Series offers full-text of many books in the series are available free on the web.
Centre for the Study of Christianity in Asia, Singapore, Trinity Theological College provides full text, bibliographies, and links to help scholars studying Christianity in Asia.
The Chinese National Academy of Social Sciences Database (NSSD) contains full text articles from 842 journals. It covers Marxism, economics, international issues, social sciences, law, literature, philosophy and history.
国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库提供842 种期刊全文, 是在中共中央宣传部、中国社会科学院、全国哲学社会科学规划办公室领导下,承建的公益性期刊数据平台. 它覆盖了马克思主义、经济、国际、社会政法、文哲、史学等哲学社会科学主要研究领域。
eScholarship Repository offers articles from the University of California libraries. includes the Columbia Encyclopedia and other reference books, the Harvard Classics and poetry collections.
Humanities Text Initiative (University of Michigan)
Making of America (University of Michigan) Includes the subject areas of religion, psychology, American history, sociology and education, with an online collection of 1,600 nineteenth century books and 50,000 journal articles.
ATLA Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative (CDRI) includes thousands of images of sacred art, architecture and portraits scanned by American Theological Library Association libraries. There are topical groupings: Ancient Near East; Architecture, art, iconography; Manuscripts, Texts, Sermons; Missions, World Religion.
International Etext Projects (Linkping Univ.)
Welcome to!
We have more than 8,000 classic works from seminary libraries, and we're still scanning more. During the beta period you can search and view all of the books for free. Use the search box in the upper left to search the entire library. When you've selected a book, you can use the search box on the right side to search within just that book. Use author:Wilkinson to find all the books by Wilkinson, or title:canon to find books with "canon" in the title. You can even search for Bible references! is still under development; you will see new books uploaded and indexed on a regular basis, as well as improvements to text recognition and indexing. We want your feedback; please email us at While we may not be able to respond to every suggestion individually, we will read and consider them all.